Similar to the process of the crown, the teeth on either side of the gap will be carefully reshaped to ensure that their dimensions can hold a dental bridge whilst matching your smile. We take a digital scan of the prepared teeth and then send it to a state-of-the-art laboratory, where a team of technicians use sophisticated computers to design your custom dental bridge. The bridge is then crafted and coloured to match your teeth. Dental bridge treatment is usually provided over two visits. A temporary bridge will be placed over your prepared teeth to protect them until your new bridge is fitted.
A dental bridge is often used as a missing tooth treatment. A bridge consists of two or more crowns or wings that are fitted to the teeth on either side of the gap. These serve as anchors to which a false tooth is attached and held in place to re-establish your bite. A dental bridge is a good solution if you have only a few missing teeth. Replacing missing teeth with a dental bridge can help reinstate the balance of function in the mouth, prevent your remaining teeth from drifting or tilting into space, as well as restoring the appearance of your smile.
For any missing tooth treatment, we will examine your teeth and mouth to evaluate if your teeth can withstand the forces of the bite with enough bone support. If your teeth and gums are healthy then a dental bridge could be an effective treatment to fill missing spaces.
Prices start from £1800.00.
A permanent dental bridge can last between five and 10 years, depending on your habits, lifestyle and oral care routine. On the day your dental bridge is fitted, you will be given tips on how to improve the longevity of your dental bridge.
You will need to clean your bridge and the false tooth/teeth every day, just as you do with your natural teeth. We will show you how to use special floss to ensure your dental bridge is thoroughly clean. Remember: to prevent damage, it’s best to avoid chewing or biting on very hard foods. Seeing us for regular checkups and the hygiene therapist will help get you better longevity out of your bridge.