At Priors Hall Dental, we believe that protecting young smiles – from the very first tooth – is so important.
As a family dentist, we are passionate about promoting preventative dental care for all ages. Where children’s dental care is concerned we are also committed to minimising the potential for them to develop dental anxiety.
Children usually start to get their milk teeth at around 6 months old. We recommend that your child sees a paediatric dentist for their first dental examination at 6 months old, as their teeth begin to erupt. Following this, check-ups are advised at 3-12 month intervals. Plaque can start to form on young teeth as soon as they emerge from the gums. It’s important to implement a good oral health routine early and, as a children’s dentist, we are here to help.
As a trusted paediatric dentist, we offer the following:
When it comes to your children’s dental care, you are in the best position to help them understand the importance of keeping their teeth clean. Encourage them to brush regularly and discuss the effects of diet and lifestyle on their teeth and gums.
As a family dental clinic, we are here to support you at every stage of your child’s development from milk teeth to the teenage years, when they may wish to have Invisalign treatment. Our team will also make the dental experience a little more fun.
Learning the importance of brushing teeth at a young age and incorporating good habits puts one in the best position for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. One of the challenges of children’s dental care is to keep up the twice-daily cleaning momentum and the second is simply not brushing for long enough.
We have a few tips to encourage your child to maintain a good oral health routine:
Regular check-ups from an early age will not only prevent your child from developing cavities but will also build a healthy relationship with the family dentist.
Over 33% of adults suffer from dental anxiety. Past experiences, the unknown and a lack of familiarity are some of the most common reasons why dental fears and anxieties manifest. Studies have shown that the younger your child is, when attending their first dental appointment, the more likely they are to have a positive experience and grow up without fear of the dentist.
You can help your child become confident about visits to our family dental clinic. Regular check-ups will help them to understand the processes and what to expect. We work hard to make the trip to the dentist a pleasant experience.
Prevention is always better than cure. To book an appointment to see a children’s dentist in Northamptonshire, please call us on 01536 214 144. Child Examinations are £25.00.